Tax Information: UCI Employees Working Out of State and Non-Resident Employees

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, some UCI employees who normally work in California may now be working outside of the state. Employees who fall into this category may qualify for state taxes in the state they reside while telecommuting. Please seek advice from your tax advisor if you have questions or concerns about changing your tax filing status.

If this work situation applies to you and you would like to change your state residency for tax purposes, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to UCPath Online
  2. Click on Forms Library > Access Forms > Payroll > Out of State Income Tax Withholding
  3. Review the information, complete the form and submit

For Non-Resident Employees (residing outside the U.S.), please review the following:

  1. Log in to UCPath Online
  2. Complete the Foreign Source Income Statement (if applicable). Click on Forms Library > Access Forms > Payroll > Foreign Source Income Statement
  3. Submit an Out of State Income Tax Withholding Form (and attach the Foreign Source Income Statement if applicable). Click on Forms Library > Access Forms > Payroll > Out of State Income Tax Withholding
  4. Submit updates to your GLACIER account if temporarily working out of the country
Questions? Click on “Ask UCPath Center” button on the top right of the UCPath Online Portal