Contact UCI UCPath

Please follow the instructions below for help with questions, training information, or reporting issues.

Pay and Benefits Questions

Contact the Employee Experience Center at 949-824-0500 or email

Transaction Questions

Open a case with Employee Experience Center.

Training Opportunities

If your school or department is interested in training, please email us at:

UCI UCPath Team

The UCI UCPath team supports the UC Irvine campus and UCI Health communities by providing functional and technical support and maintenance for the UCPath System.

Name Support Focus
Andrea Garrison UCI UCPath General Ledger (GL) & Finance Systems, Training
Sylvia Jeung UCI UCPath General Ledger (GL) & Finance Systems
Debbie Kistler Change, Communications, and Training Manager; Security Access (UCI UCPath)
Andrea Knaub Business Systems Analysis, Communications
Jesse Madrigal Business Systems Analysis, Testing, Data and Reporting
Sheila Mercer UCI UCPath Transactor Support and Training
Peter Stacholy UCI UCPath General Ledger (GL) & Financial Systems, System Configuration and Architecture
Georgana Thompson Simonowitz UCI UCPath Director, UCPath Center & UCI UCPath Team support, UCPath Roadmap, UCI projects, Security (TnTJIRA & UCPath)

UCI UCPath Governance Representation

The following UCI staff serve on UCPath Governance groups on behalf of UC Irvine.

Governance Group UCI Representation
Executive Leadership Team (ELT) Mary Lou D. Ortiz – CFO and Vice Chancellor
DFA Advisors:
Rick Coulon – Associate Vice Chancellor, DFA
Steering Committee (SC)
UCPath project guidance and improvements
Barry Oh – Assistant Vice Chancellor and Controller, Accounting and Fiscal Services
Stephen Whelan (UCI Health) – Executive Human Resources Director, UCI People Services
Advisory Board (UCPath AB)
UCPath and UC locations business improvements
Georgana Thompson Simonowitz – UCI UCPath Project Director